lme4 - Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4
Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and their components are represented using S4 classes and methods. The core computational algorithms are implemented using the 'Eigen' C++ library for numerical linear algebra and 'RcppEigen' "glue".
Last updated 3 days ago
20.68 score 645 stars 1.5k dependents 35k scripts 459k downloadsbroom.mixed - Tidying Methods for Mixed Models
Convert fitted objects from various R mixed-model packages into tidy data frames along the lines of the 'broom' package. The package provides three S3 generics for each model: tidy(), which summarizes a model's statistical findings such as coefficients of a regression; augment(), which adds columns to the original data such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments; and glance(), which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.
Last updated 2 months ago
15.22 score 231 stars 37 dependents 4.0k scripts 40k downloadsbbmle - Tools for General Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Methods and functions for fitting maximum likelihood models in R. This package modifies and extends the 'mle' classes in the 'stats4' package.
Last updated 22 days ago
13.26 score 25 stars 111 dependents 1.4k scripts 17k downloadsreformulas - Machinery for Processing Random Effect Formulas
Takes formulas including random-effects components (formatted as in 'lme4', 'glmmTMB', etc.) and processes them. Includes various helper functions.
Last updated 4 months ago
10.92 score 5 stars 1.5k dependents 24 scripts 375k downloads
margins - Marginal Effects for Model Objects
An R port of the margins command from 'Stata', which can be used to calculate marginal (or partial) effects from model objects.
Last updated 7 months ago
9.85 score 2 stars 1 dependents 956 scripts 11k downloadsemdbook - Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
Auxiliary functions and data sets for "Ecological Models and Data", a book presenting maximum likelihood estimation and related topics for ecologists (ISBN 978-0-691-12522-0).
Last updated 8 months ago
8.04 score 4 stars 21 dependents 656 scripts 6.6k downloadsR2admb - 'ADMB' to R Interface Functions
A series of functions to call 'AD Model Builder' (i.e., compile and run models) from within R, read the results back into R as 'admb' objects, and provide standard accessors (i.e. coef(), vcov(), etc.)
Last updated 2 years ago
4.79 score 3 dependents 83 scripts 1.2k downloads